
How well do you audit yourself? Tracking your spending, your diet, your exercise, your social media time, your happy moments, your sad moments, your movie choices, your longings, your naps. There’s so much to track that it’s easy to lose track of what you should track. But how will you know what’s worth tracking without a record of the attempt?

It’s said that what gets measured gets managed, but who’s doing the managing? Studies show that keeping a journal of your spending or your eating, for example, improves behavior all on its own. But even if you don’t track how you’re spending your money, your time, or your attention, someone else does. When the algorithms know you better than you know yourself, that puts companies in charge. When you know yourself better than they know you, though, you can regain the advantage.

What unexpected thing can you do next? Not some random act but a deliberate one. Watch a movie in a genre you never watch? Read a book far outside your usual interests? Visit a city you’ve never heard of? When you look back on your list of what you’ve done, what you’ve tried, and what you’ve experienced, do you want to see a short, simple list or a tome of depth and breadth? You can’t know how to change and grow if you don’t know where you are. Now’s the time to set the record straight and then break it.