Reading List Q1 2021

I want to read more deliberately so I’ve compiled a list of books I intend to read by the end of March. It will be a short list, based on conservative estimates of how much I am likely to read in what remains of this quarter. The books are:

  1. American Gods (audio book) by Neil Gaiman. For a book club at work, as an opportunity to bond with coworkers.
    • Finished as of early March. I read it once many years ago and only recalled it as good but not especially resonant. I felt that I appreciated it much more all these years later. Glad to have re-read it.
  2. Getting Things Done by Dave Allen. Another re-read. I remember it proving quite effective when last I read and applied it, though I fell out of the habits. I need such systematizing of my life now more than ever.
    • Didn’t start.
  3. Impro by Keith Johnstone. Yet another re-read. This book transformed my understanding of improv and I’ve never looked back. It felt personally resonant when I went looking for books to list here. Turns out there’s an audio book version! Wonderful.
    • Didn’t start.
  4. Recent volumes of Fire Force, My Hero Academia, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures, and other manga. I have wanted to catch up on these for months but avoided my usual bookstore due to the pandemic. I stocked up when I had the chance to attend a few weeks ago.
    • Significant progress. I made it about halfway through my backlog, slowed down some by gaps in my collection.
  5. Thinking in Bets by Annie Duke. Came highly recommended and seemed relevant to my own executive function challenges.
    • Finished as of mid-March. Enjoyed the read. Nothing particularly new to me but still packaged in a convenient and concise way.

Here’s to me reading and applying all of this! Wish me luck!

Other Books I Read

  • Algorithms to Live By by Christian and Griffiths. I don’t recall what exactly prompted me to read this (likely some podcast episode or another) but it had been on my radar.
    • Read it and loved it. Highly recommended for everyone, even non-programmers.